Saturday, May 9, 2015

Whale Guidance: Opening Our Hearts

Date: Sat, May 2, 2015
Question from my friend Geoffrey, 

How Do We Open our Hearts?

GrandMotherWhale: Gracious Earthwhale, please keep writing we miss your connection.
Human matter arrives to earth in different stages of evolution, without clear awareness of themselves or others, there is a common conscious awareness that all human share but there is also a deeper awareness that others may experience that is more involved.

To open your heart one must first connect to their innate intelligence and the pulse that allows that intelligence to thrive and grow.

Man made fears, greed, self absorbed thoughts are barriers to deep connection to self.

When humans are awakened on our water sphere, human matter is quickly reminded of past fears that lead to previous deaths from past lifetimes and sometimes open hearts close.

To re-open a closed heart you may  ask any spirit guide for assistance, this simple invitation will vibrate with truth, and your inner spirit will easily accept, and integrate into your conscious and unconscious awareness.

Keep the invitation present even in the event of dark are limiting thoughts, as the light of the vibration will crack open all barriers to opening your heart.

Channeled by Earthwhale  May 2 2015